Demon's Souls

Demon's Spirit is an action-role game video game developed by FromSoftware, supervised by SCE Japan Studio for Windows (PC), PlayStation 3. Released in Japan on February 5th by Sony Computer Entertainment. In 2009, on October 6, 2009 in North America by Atlus and in June 2010 in Australia and Europe by Namco Bandai Games. This is the first installment that has become the Soul series of games. In a dark fantasy world, players take control of a hero who travels into the fictional kingdom of Boletaria.
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1.Yapılan Yorumlar İncelenip Değerlendirilecektir Gerekirse Yasal İşlem Uygulanacaktır.
2.Herhangi Bir Ağır Söz Ve Küfüre Maruz Kalındığında 5237 Sayılı Türk Ceza Kanunu MADDE 125 e Göre Cezalandırılacağı Dikkate Alınması dahilinde işlem yapılacaktır.